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Establishing a Healthy Sleep Routine for Your 22-Month-Old
time 02/09/2024
Gabrielle Clark
Professional Nursing Writer

At 22 months, your toddler is a bundle of energy and curiosity, with a growing vocabulary and a newfound ability to express themselves in short phrases. Therefore, your baby may spend more time on exploring the surrounding environment and people, and may not want to sleep as usual. In this guide, we'll explore the sleep needs of 22-month-olds, offering practical tips and strategies to craft a routine that supports their healthy development.


What are Wake Windows for a 22 Month Old?

A Sample Sleep Schedule for 22 Month Old Babies

How Much Should a 22 Month Old Sleep?

How Long Should a 22 Month Old Nap?

How Many Naps are Suitable for a 22 Month Old?

What Time Should a 22-Month-Old Go to Bed?

Can you Sleep Train a 22-Month-Old?

Is there Sleep Regression for 22 Month Old Babies?

Sleep Tips

What are Wake Windows for a 22-Month-Old?

At this age, wake windows typically last between 5 and 6 hours, depending on your child's activity levels, temperament, and overall sleep needs. The first wake window, right after waking up in the morning, is usually around 5 to 6 hours. The second wake window, before bedtime, can shorten to 4 to 5 hours.

These wake windows are essential for balancing your toddler's energy levels and ensuring they are tired enough to sleep but not overtired. Understanding and adjusting wake windows can help minimize bedtime resistance and nighttime wakings.

Sample 22-Month-Old Sleep Schedule

Here's a sample sleep schedule for a 22-month-old:

Considering to the uniqueness of each baby, you might need to adjust the nap or bedtime slightly to fit your baby's individual sleep habits.

How Much Should a 22-Month-Old Sleep?

At 22 months, your child typically needs around 12 to 14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, including 11 to 12 hours of nighttime sleep. Ensuring your toddler gets enough rest is vital for their growth, mood regulation, and overall development.

How Long Should a 22-Month-Old Nap?

A 22-month-old usually takes one nap a day, lasting between 2 to 3 hours. This nap typically occurs in the early afternoon and is essential for recharging your toddler's energy levels, making it easier for them to stay engaged and happy throughout the rest of the day. If your child struggles with napping for the full 2 to 3 hours, consider whether their wake windows need adjusting or if their nap environment is conducive to rest.

How Many Naps are Expected for a 22-Month-Old?

By 22 months, most toddlers have transitioned to a single daily nap. This nap is sufficient to meet their sleep needs when combined with a full night's rest. Some toddlers may initially resist dropping the second nap, but maintaining a consistent daily routine can help them adjust. If your toddler seems particularly tired, you might try an earlier nap or bedtime to help them get the rest they need.

What Time Should a 22-Month-Old Go to Bed?

For a 22-month-old, bedtime should typically fall between 7:00 and 8:00 PM. This time frame aligns well with their natural sleep rhythms, helping them achieve the recommended 11 to 12 hours of nighttime sleep. An early bedtime ensures your toddler gets enough rest to support their physical and cognitive development.

To determine the best bedtime, consider your child's daytime sleep, wake windows, and overall behavior. If your child wakes up frequently during the night or is cranky during the day, you might need to adjust bedtime earlier. Establishing a calming pre-sleep routine is essential in reinforcing this schedule. Activities like reading a bedtime story, singing a lullaby, or engaging in quiet play can help indicate your baby to sleep.

Sometimes, even slight variations in bedtime can affect your child's sleep quality, so aim to keep bedtime within the same hour each night, including weekends. A predictable schedule helps your child feel secure and understand when it's time to go to sleep, reducing bedtime battles and ensuring they wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

Sleep Train a 22-Month-Old

Some people may think that it is too late to start sleep straining for a 22 months. However, if your baby is having trouble sleeping independently, you can take sleep training into consideration, which may help your baby for a peaceful sleep.

This process involves teaching your child to fall asleep on their own and soothe themselves back to sleep if they wake up during the night. There are various methods for sleep training, such as the "gradual retreat" method, where you slowly reduce your presence in the room as your child falls asleep.

At this age, toddlers are more aware of their surroundings and may resist sleep training due to separation anxiety or a desire to stay up and explore. During this period, consistency and patience are crucial, as it may take time for your child to adjust to new sleep expectations.

Sleep Regression of a 22-Month-Old

Since every baby develops at their own pace, it is common to see sleep regression at any age. At 22 months, it can be a challenging phase for both parents and toddlers. Around this age, toddlers may start to experience disruptions in their sleep patterns, such as difficulties in falling asleep, increased nighttime awakenings, and shorter naps. This regression is typically affected by developmental milestones such as language acquisition, increased independence, and cognitive growth.

During this period, your toddler's growing curiosity and desire to explore the world can make settling down for sleep more difficult. Additionally, with the growing of separation anxiety, it may lead to more clinginess at bedtime and increased night waking.

To manage this regression, maintain a consistent sleep routine, provide extra comfort and reassurance during bedtime, and ensure your toddler's sleep environment is conducive to rest. While it can be a frustrating time, remember that this phase is temporary and usually resolves on its own as your child's development progresses. Consistency and patience are key to navigating this challenging period.

22-Month-Old Sleep Tips

Here are some tips to help your 22-month-old sleep better:

  • Maintain Consistency: Keep wake-up times, nap times, and bedtime consistent every day, even on weekends.

  • Calm Bedtime Routine: Establish a soothing pre-sleep routine to signal to your child that it's time to wind down.

  • Monitor Diet: Avoid heavy meals or sugary snacks close to bedtime, as they can disrupt sleep.

  • Comfort Items: Allow your toddler to sleep with a favorite toy or blanket for added security.

  • Physical Activity: Ensure your toddler gets plenty of physical activity during the day, which can help them sleep better at night.